It’s that time of the year to jump into the freezing water!
Join the fun this year and take the plunge on February 25, 2023, for the 24th Annual Deep Creek Dunk! The Dunk helps to raise money for the Special Olympics.
Head to the registration tent before the day of the Dunk on Friday the 24th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM to sign the waiver and to get the official Dunk sweatshirt and wristband. Enjoy the music and fun the Dunk has to offer!
The weather in Garrett County is typically freezing by the start of the new year which is great if you like the cold weather. What is even better is the recording breaking year the town saw in 2009-2010 when it snowed a total of 262 inches! Fingers crossed for another cold, snowy winter like that one! Typically, the snowfall only accumulates to be a little over 135 inches. But be warned that the water you might dip into will be numbing.
Are you doing the dunk this year? If you want to know, more click the red “Deep Creek Lake Events” tab to learn more!